Messebau & Messeevents von prisma plan


Gamescom 2019: prisma plan meets rocket beans

For weeks, the vibe are felt. On August 20, Gamescom 2019 will open in Cologne, the world´s largest trade fair for computer and video games, according to the organizers. And prisma plan is right in the middle. We are the team behind the team - for the makers of Rocket Beans TV. The booth we realized in halle 7.1. (C 031) will again be absolute eye-catcher. A highlight. 170 square meters of pure entertainment.


The prisma plan-Team: Stand construction professionals in the backgroundWhen the fair starts, the prisma plan-Team have already done a great job. For months. Intensive preparation and smooth processes in the background: that´sthe secret. Only then fairs can really become a sucess. The concept and the construction of the exhibition stand were planned in detail in our company in Herne and subsequently realized. Reliability and flexibility are as crucial as ever. 


Kilometres of cable for live broadcastsKilometres of cables were laid for the Rocket Beans TV stage. 15 monitors (48 to 65 inches) will provide a very special trade show experience, as well as six cameras (three fixed, three mobile), light, sound and a "control room" to accommodate four people. Tocket Beans TV plants live broadcasts around the clock - from all the highlights that Gamescom 2019 has to offer. Showcases, hands-on sessions, developer interviews and more are planned. The first shows already begin during the construction. Rocket Beans are standing for entertainment shows. All aspects of gaming characterizes the program of the Hamburg-based company. Video games are core competence and first love.


Crowd puller GamescomFor the 10th anniversary of Gamescom in 2018 came around 370,000 visitors, a plus of 15,000 people compared to the year before. A record. The computer and video game fair is and remains a crowd puller. The fair responded to that and will increase the exhibition space in 2019 by eight percent up ti 21,000 square meters, the number of exhibitiors should rise to 1,150. This year´s motto is "Together we are Games". The community is the focus. Because the trend is playing together, Single gaming is out. "Cloud gaming" is the magic world that no longer requires high-performance hardware.


Gamescom as a hub - also for politicsGamescom is also one of our personal highlights. The significance of the trade fair goes far beyond the visitors and the professional audience. At the latest since the opening tour of Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2017, Gamescom is listed in the calender of politicians. This year belong others, Andreas Scheuer, who is not only Federal Minister of Transport, but also Federal Minister of Digital Infrastructure, and Dorothee Bär, Minister of State for Digitalization, have anounced themselve.


Thumbs up for the exhibition constructionYou would like to get to know us ? Our team is always there for you. On the phone, by mail and in the world of social media. On Facebook and Instagram you can find out more about our stand construction company - regular updates that show you our everyday life. Ideas from Herne, created for exciting custormers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and Europe.